Spring CRM Webinar Dublin

DateMarch 2020

Invitation - Register for your free place

Going digital: helping membership and non-profit organisations achieve digital transformation success

In the light of the COVID-19 outbreak, Silverbear has decided to transition our Spring Networking Seminar to an online event on 2 April.  This will ensure you have the opportunity to access the same content and speakers from the comfort of your own home.  We are planning to shorten the overall agenda to make it more appropriate for a webinar. As a result, we will start at 10:00am and finish at 11:30am, incorporating a Q&A session.

Our Spring Webinar will focus on digital transformation exclusively for membership and non-profit organisations. The event will explore the key elements for planning and initiating a successful digital transformation program, focusing primarily on CRM, website and program management.

Who should attend this seminar?

This event is designed to support all membership and non-profit professionals involved in developing their organisation’s digital transformation program.

If you are responsible for leading CRM, website or digital transformation this event will provide you with the tools to develop a strategic approach - whether you are looking for new technology platforms or seeking to improve what you already have in place.

The seminar will also offer:

  •  A demonstration of the Silverbear platform, powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365.
  • Case study presentations from a Silverbear customer - Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC). 
  • An interactive panel discussion with experts from organisations that have undertaken digital transformation projects with us.
  • A keynote presentation from Microsoft Ireland, Territory Channel Manager - Business Applications, Carl Wallace.

Details and registration for webinar here

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